Wagon stock

Nowadays a rapid multimodal transportation isn’t possible without a private wagon stock. Railway administrations have already failed to satisfy exporters’ and expeditors’ demand on timely supply of wagons. Tariff strategy has been gradually inviting to establish a private wagon stock. Moreover, standard general wagon stock characteristics aren’t cost efficient in terms of transportation some kinds of cargo. In order to perform multimodal transportation and loading within your warehouses, we offer the following closed wagons:


Warehouse services

Please, consider the following suggestions: Cargo transshipping; Cargo storage, assortment, pelleting and labeling; Representation in customs, railway stations and other institutions; Registration of cargo and covering documents; Services of surveyor ; Additional cargo insurance. In terms of multimodal transportation one of the most important stages is cargo transshipping and a duly preparing of documentation. It is this particular stage that seeks special attention to each detail, as improper transshipped cargo


Multimodal transportation

An increasing demand for European goods and growing trade competition in the CIS have resulted in introduction of more efficient and rapid combined transporting schemes or multimodal transportation. Previously dominated direct auto transportation of large amounts from Europe to the CIS due to annually growing transportation expenses has become uncompetitive despite its time efficiency. Moreover, sometimes a direct transportation by one kind of transport, for example intercontinental shipping
